

Robert Frybarger

Date:May 30, 1993

copy individuals
                                          May 30, 1993


   CCHR Texas recently pushed through the most comprehensive anti-Psych
legislation in the country. The bills have passed both the Texas House
and Senate and are just waiting to be signed into law by the governor.
These laws are a milestone towards handling Psych suppression on the
planet. The following people have contributed toward this effort and
deserve to be commended.

Steve Trower                Jim Johnson
Pete Cunningham             Scott Hendricks
Lee Haywood                 Brandy Levine
David Haywood               Pam Hackley
Larry Geis                  Dan Levine
Susan Roberts               Jeff Schafner
Judson Morris               Lisa McPherson
Faith Trower                Chuck Bell
Julia Roark                 Norman Ralston
Raymond Roark               Helen Ralston
Byrd Jessup                 Steve Craig
Hildegard Jessup            Tom Theimer
Don Holt                    Olla Theimer
Fritz Alders                Robert Goranson
Kevin Rush                  Steve Weber
Yana Norris                 Gary Norris
Guy Houston                 Jan Houston
Sandy Nunn                  Jack Nunn
Linda Boyd                  Lucious Boyd
Shirley Burris              Cathleen LeTeau
Stuart Cameron              Steve South
Sharon Philips              John Bianci
Joe Arnett                  Dave Slaughter
Benetta Slaughter           Gilda Burton
Gloria Cruz                 Craig Burton
Carol South                 Teri Cates
Sheri Randall               Brenda Hubert
Kay Proctor                 Franz Reiter
Shirley Eckols              Rosalie Hamilton
Ronda Jordan

                    Thank you for your support,
                    Bob Frybarger CCHR Dallas

FSO 01224