Reply letter from Barnett Bank
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[ Barnett ] 9000 Southside Blvd.
[ Bank ] Jacksonville, Florida 32256
(904) 464-7991
April 1, 1997
Bernie McCabe, SA
State Attorney's Office
Attn: Steve Porter, Investigator
Division 280
P. 0. Box 5028
Clearwater, Florida 34618
RE: Lisa McPherson
Investigation #40-86-620
Dear Mr. McCabe:
This will acknowledge receipt of a subpoena on March 26, 1997
regarding the above referenced name. Pursuant to your
request and my telephone conversation with Investigator Steve
Porter on March 27, 1997, please refer to the attachment to
this letter for a complete listing ot the enclosed documents.
Please be advised that this is a partial shipment of records
and when received the remaining documents will be forwarded
to your office.
These documents are certified to be from records maintained
by Barnett Bank during the regular course of business. In
accordance with Florida Statute 92.153 reimbursement is due
within 30 days in the amount itemized below:
Statement copies: 92 copies @ $ .20 per copy = $ 18.40
other Copies: 1 copy @ $ .20 per copy = $ .20
Research Time: 3 hours @ $10.00 per hour = $ 30.00
Postage: = $ 3.00
TOTAL: = $ 51.60
Please make your payment to Barnett Bank at the address
listed above.
[signature of Dora E. Clark]
Dora E. Clark
Research Services
TIF 5090 OCR and [bracketed] comments by Michael Reuss