Interview with Roxanne Koelpin

Date:March 13, 1997

        FLO 520300 CLEARWATER P.D.                  AGENCY REPORT NO. 95-29158
        VI NAME(S): Lisa McPherson                  ORIG. DATE REPORTED: 12/6/95
        INCIDENT:  Death Investigation              VI WILL PROSECUTE: Y-X N
        LOCATION:   644 Pierce Street               PAGE 1 OF 11
        INVESTIGATOR: Detective Jorge Carrasquillo


     1  Today's date is March 13, 1997, the time is 1540 hours. This is an interview with Roxanne
     2  Koelpin and...concerning the Lisa McPherson investigation. Present during the interview are
     3  Sergeant Wayne Andrews of the Clearwater Police Department, and myself, Detective
     4  Carrasquillo.
     5  Det. Carrasquillo: For identification purposes would you please state your full name and I
     6                     need you to spell it. I also need your date of birth and social security
     7                     number, and then your home address and home telephone number and
     8                     work number. And if you forget, I'll remind you.
     9  Koelpin:           Okay. Roxanne, R-O-X-A-N-N-E; Jeanne, J-E-A-N-N-E; Koelpin, K-O-E-L-
    10                     P-I-N. I live at , X X. My date
    11                     of birth is X-60. Social Security number is XXX-XX-XXXX. And...
    12  Det. Carrasquillo: Your home number and work number.
    13  Koelpin:           Oh, okay.  is my home number. And my work number is
    14                    X , area code X.
    15  Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. I'm going to go ahead and put you under oath, because the State
    16                     of Florida gives us the power to place people under oath. Raise your
    17                     right...right...raise your right hand please. Do you swear to tell the
    18                     truth, nothing but the whole truth to help you God?
    19  Koelpin:           I do.
    20  Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. What I want you to do, Roxanne, is, ah, from your recollections
    21                     tell me what you recall about, ah, the night, December 5, 1995, and Lisa
    22                     McPherson.
    23  Koelpin:           Okay. Well, as I recall the first time that I had seen the young woman,
    24                     ahm, we were just kind of a typical Tuesday night in December. We got
    25                     a call for, out front that there was needed a wheel chair to the double
    26                     doors. Well, next thing you know Rick, was the triage nurse that night,
    27                     another nurse I work with, he came in with the patient and a wheel chair,
    28                     said, I don't think she's breathing. I don't know if she's got a pulse or
    29                     not. We put her in our main code room, which is room two, and
    30                     immediately assessed her for the a, b, cs...air way, breathing,

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  Offense: Death Investigation                               Date of Report: 03/12/97
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  31                      circulation... .discovered no pulse, no.. .no spontaneous respirations and
  32                      we immediately started CPR. Ahm, continued CPR, I can't remember the
  33                      exact measures we took, its been quite a while since then, ahm, but I do
  34                      recall that we were not able to get any...any, ahm, spontaneous
  35                      breathing back or, ah, rhythm on the heart monitor or, ahm, a heart beat.
  36                      Ahm, I believe the doctor incubated her and we worked the vascular as
  37                      they were doing CPR and then, I guess at some point we called it, I can't
  38                      remember. Now I know with somebody with that age group we do tend
  39                      to, ahm, go quite...quite a while with somebody in that age group as far
  40                      as trying to revive them.
  41   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. Just for the record that is not me whistling in the background.
  42   Koelpin:           That's just the cockatiel.
  43   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. When you said, ah, Rick brought Lisa into the hospital?
  44   Koelpin:           Yes, from the double doors in a wheel chair.
  45   Det. Carrasquillo: Rick who?
  46   Koelpin:           Pemberton.
  47   Det. Carrasquillo: Pemberton? Okay. Then where were you standing when you first
  48                      visually saw Lisa.
  49   Koelpin:           Oh, I was standing probably just right around the middle of room two on
  50                      our ...our major center of emergency room split up into two sides and I
  51                      was like right in that general area.
  52   Det. Carrasquillo: How far were you from her when you made visual contact?
  53   Koelpin:           Oh, I don't know, 10, 15 maybe.
  54   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay, and when you first got a chance to analyze her what was your
  55                      conclusion?
  56   Koelpin:           Well, I...obviously we were working on a full code at that time, nobody
  57                      breathing and nobody with a heartbeat.
  58   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay, do you remember touching her?
  59   Koelpin:           Oh, yeah.
  60   Det. Carrasquillo: What...what did she feel like?
  61   Koelpin:           Ahm...
  62   Det. Carrasquillo: Warm? Sweaty? Hot?
  63   Koelpin:           Well, I don't think she was sweaty. My gosh, its been so long I can't
  64                      remember as far as that goes. As far as...I don't know. Ah...
  65   Sgt. Andrews:      That's okay, if you don't remember.

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  66   Koelpin:           Yeah.
  67   Sgt. Andrews:      Because we know it was the year...over a year ago.
  68   Koelpin:           Yeah.
  69   Det. Carrasquillo: Well, let me ask you this. In your mind did you...when you first saw her
  70                      did you visualize her to be in real bad medical condition, medical shape or
  71                      did you realize that she could be dead?
  72   Koelpin:           Well, I didn't think she looked too healthy. Ahm, she was rather skinny.
  73                      I remember that thinking what an awful skinny person. And I noticed
  74                      these little pin point bruises all over her legs and stuff, and her arms,
  75                      and...
  76   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay, did you notice any bruises around her face?
  77   Koelpin:           Ahm, not really. I...not...not so much her face. No.
  78   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. Did you draw blood from her? Do you remember drawing blood?
  79   Koelpin:           I...I can't remember who drew the blood. I know we started IVs and
  80                      stuff. I can't remember exactly who got them or whatever. I don't know
  81                      if blood, I can't remember.
  82   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. You said a doctor intubated her. Do you recall which doctor?
  83   Koelpin:           Doctor Minkoff.
  84   Det. Carrasquillo: Doctor Minkoff intubated her?
  85   Koelpin:           Mmmhmm.
  86   Det. Carrasquillo: And did you see him actually see him succeed in intubating her?
  87   Koelpin:           Mmmhmm.
  88   Det. Carrasquillo: Cause the reason I asked is because Doctor Minkoff admits that he
  89                      started to incubate her but couldn't. And Doctor Niles came in and...
  90   Koelpin:           Oh...
  91   Det. Carrasquillo: ...and finished off the incubation.
  92   Koelpin:           Not to my...
  93   Sgt. Andrews:      Do you remember seeing him there? Doctor Niles?
  94   Koelpin:           Oh, yeah, they were both there.
  95   Sgt. Andrews:      Both there. Okay.
  96   Koelpin:  could have been Doctor Niles.
  97   Sgt. Andrews:      Okay.
  98   Koelpin:           It's been so long.
  99   Det. Carrasquillo: So, when did you conclude in your mind, when did you come to the
 100                      conclusion that this female was dead?

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 101    Koelpin:            When we finally decided, Doctors call the code.
 102    Det. Carrasquillo:  Okay, and how long had that been? How long had you been working on
 103                        her when you called the code?
 104    Koelpin:            Oh, I can't remember. It...I think it was probably around, I don't
 105                        know...maybe around forty minutes or so. I...I can't remember.
 106    Det. Carrasquillo:  Okay.
 107    Koelpin:            We've done many since then so...
 108    Det. Carrasquillo:  Understandable...understandable. Did you have any occasion to speak
 109                        with any of the individuals that brought her to the hospital?
 110    Koelpin:            No. Never saw no one. Never talked to no one.
 111    Det. Carrasquillo:  So you have no idea if she came with five people, one have
 112                        no idea who brought her to the hospital?
 113    Koelpin:            No, only by what, you know, Rick said some people in a van dropped her
 114                        off and that was pretty much all I know.
 115    Det. Carrasquillo:  Okay, did you have any occasion to talk with the doctors about her
 116                        condition?
 177    Koelpin:            During the code? After, or....
 118    Det. Carrasquillo:  During, after...
 119    Koelpin:            Well, we were just rather concerned. We were all kind of upset being as
 120                        young as she was, you know. I'm sure that we probably vented...while
 121                        that...of course I was, ahm, reading like, you know, that was when The
 122                        Hot Zone and all that stuff came out with the e-bola fever and I was like,
 123                        God, has this girl been out of the country? All these little bruises and
 124                        stuff and I was like...
 125    Det. Carrasquillo:  You're thinking contagious disease in the back of your mind?
 126    Koelpin:            Yeah, I was like...yeah, we were...and I...I dimly remember Teresa, and
 127                        Teresa K. I remember her going, Oh, you got kids. You
 128                        better put a mask on. And we were all gowning up and putting masks
 129                        and stuff on.
 130    Det. Carrasquillo:  So do you recall having a conversation with the doctor afterwards like,
 131                        What happened here, what....
 132    Koelpin:            Yeah, you know, he thought perhaps she'd been real sick and, you
 133                        know..
 134    Det. Carrasquillo:  Did he give you any reason or make any statements as to you that might
 135                        have been a contagious disease?

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  136    Koelpin:           Well, he...I don't...I think he was He didn't think it was
  137                       contagious enough...
  138    Det. Carrasquillo: Which doctor was this you spoke to?
  139    Koelpin:           I think it was Minkoff.
  140    Det. Carrasquillo: Did you have an occasion overhear any conversations between
  141                       Doctor Minkoff and anyone that might have went...been with her?
  142    Koelpin:           Ahm, no. MmmMmm.
  143    Det. Carrasquillo: Did you have any occasion to overhear any conversations between
  144                       Doctor Minkoff and Doctor Niles.
  145    Koelpin:           Not really. No. I mean, they always talk because they sit right next to
  146                       each other, but I really.. .at that point in time we had gotten somewhat
  147                       busier and with other people coming into the department so I...I, at that
  148                       point, didn't really listen to might hear what was going on.
  149    Det. Carrasquillo: Did Doctor Minkoff ever come to you and tell you he was expecting a
  150                       patient?
  151    Koelpin:           Yeah. As a matter of fact I believe I was standing in the nurses station
  152                       he was talking to somebody, he was on a personal phone
  153                       call...something about bring her up, blah, blah, blah. know, I can't
  154                       remember...then I remember him getting off the phone and telling Rick
  155                       that he was expecting a young gal coming up with a couple of people
  156                       from Clearwater and she had a sore throat, wasn't feeling that well, let
  157                       him know when she got there.
  158    Det. Carrasquillo: Okay, do you recall who he was talking to, did he say?
  159    Koelpin:           MmmMmm.              No. Just that he talked to some friend of his on the phone.
  160    Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. Well, let's stop and go back...take it a piece at a time. Close your
  161                       eyes maybe it'll help you concentrate a little bit better. Lets close our
  162                       eyes and we're standing there in the emergency room and...and you can
  163                       see the doctor. He's on the phone?
  164    Koelpin:           Mmmhmm.
  165    Det. Carrasquillo: And he's talking to somebody.
  166    Koelpin:           Mmmhmm.
  167    Det. Carrasquillo: What are they saying?
  168    Koelpin:           Just that, you know, If you think she's sick bring...bring her up, and I
  169                       dimly remember something to the effect, However, if she's seriously ill,
  170                       take her to the closest hospital, type of thing which we always tell

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  171                        every.. .that's our standard...
  172    Det. Carrasquillo:  Okay, so you recall him saying something along the lines if she's that sick
  173                        take her to the closest hospital.
  174    Koelpin:            If she...if she were to be know, I mean, he didn't know, of
  175                        course, on the phone you can't...
  176    Det. Carrasquillo:  Well, it's tough to gauge. I understand that.
  177    Koelpin:            And know, under his...his, you know, he wouldn't want
  178                        anybody to be driving from point A to point B, you know, when point A
  179                        has the closer hospital.
  180    Det. Carrasquillo:  It would make sense to me. And how far away were you when you
  181                        overheard this conversation?
  182    Koelpin:            Oh, gosh, probably not more than five, six feet away.
  183    Det. Carrasquillo:  So you basically heard one side of the conversation.
  184    Koelpin:            Oh, yes. Yes.
  185    Det. Carrasquillo:  Who else was in that area when...can you recall?
  186    Koelpin:            Well, I think Rick was there...Barb, the charge nurse may...may have
  187                        been in, secretaries...I can't remember who was there...mostly who was
  188                        there that night.
  189    Det. Carrasquillo:  Well, you said earlier Doctor Niles and him sit side by side?
  190    Koelpin:            Yeah he could have been off...I don't recall if he was actually sitting
  191                        there at that point in time. He may have been off seeing other people.
  192    Det. Carrasquillo:  Okay. But, you do recall the conversation and then he got off the phone,
  193                        he walks over to Rick, and we're talking about Doctor Minkoff.
  194    Koelpin:            Mmmhmm.
  195    Det. Carrasquillo:  Walked over to Rick and tells him what?
  196    Koelpin:            He tells him he's expecting a patient coming in and to just, you know, let
  197                        him know when she got there.
  198    Det. Carrasquillo:  And...and I thought earlier you mentioned he did give some symptoms.
  199    Koelpin:            Yeah, something about a...I do remember something about like a sore
  200                        throat type, or upper respiratory type thing.
  201    Det. Carrasquillo:  When did you come to the realization that Lisa McPherson was the
  202                        patient he was expecting?
  203    Koelpin:            I don't some point during the code, ahm, Doctor Minkoff or
  204                        Rick...Rick said something to the effect of, Some women just, I don't
  205                        know, somebody dropped her off in a Van, and you know, Doctor

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 206                      Minkoff's like, I think this might be the one I'm looking for, you know,
 207                      that's supposed to come. I don't know, you know, something to that
 208                      effect. It was like...
 209   Det. Carrasquillo: Right.
 210   Koelpin:  know, one of those things.
 211   Det. Carrasquillo: Well, it was a while ago. It was a year and a half ago and if you don't
 212                      remember, you don't remember. Ah, if you think that's what you heard,
 213                      then that's...just let me know what you think, you know...
 214   Koelpin:           Yeah.
 215   Det. Carrasquillo: We're just trying to get a general idea of what was going on that night.
 216                      Ahm, after you pronounced, I...I guess's not your way...youse
 217                      guys have another terminology.
 218   Koelpin:           It's called RHC for respirations have ceased.
 219   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. Once you've pronounced RHC what did you do after that?
 220   Koelpin:           Ahm, well, at that point in time usually the charge nurse will take over
 221                      most of the responsibility of the patient. We leave anything...if the
 222                      patient's been incubated, IVs left in, anything that we have done to the
 223                      patient we leave in place until the, ahm, medical examiner has, ahm,
 224                      cleared us to remove it. So at that point in time we left everything pretty
 225                      well in tact.
 226   Det. Carrasquillo: And...and you don't recall if you drew the blood or not.
 227   Koelpin:           Yeah, I'm not sure...gosh, now I' that I'm thinking more I think
 228                      some, that some blood may have been drawn, but I can't remember
 229                      who'd know, I think...I don't know. It may have been Theresa.
 230                      I don't know.
 231   Det. Carrasquillo: Theresa feels that you drew the blood.
 232   Koelpin:           Oh...
 233   Det. Carrasquillo: She's not a hundred percent sure...
 234   Koelpin:           Okay.
 235   Det. Carrasquillo: You know, but it was while back, so, but you do remember some blood
 236                      being drawn?
 237   Koelpin: , now that I'm thinking about it. Yeah.
 238   Sgt. Andrews:      Let...let me ask you, ahm, normally in a case like this when somebody
 239                      comes in that looks like this would they have normally drawn blood?
 240   Koelpin:           Oh, yeah.

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 241    Sgt. Andrews:      All...all the time?
 242    Koelpin:           Oh, most definitely.
 243    Sgt. Andrews: try to get something in a blood work up for like blood
 244                       alcohol or whatever....
 245    Koelpin:           Oh, yes. Definitely.
 246    Sgt. Andrews:      Okay, now we did subpoena the medical records.
 247    Koelpin:           Mmmhmm.
 248    Sgt. Andrews:      Now, should it be in the medical records who would have drawn the
 249                       blood? Would that be written on the chart by somebody? Normally?
 250    Koelpin:           Hopefully.
 251    Sgt. Andrews:      Okay.
 252    Koelpin:           Yeah.
 253    Sgt. Andrews:      Yeah, that's what I'm trying to get at. If I...if I go back to the medical
 254                       records...
 255    Koelpin:           Should be.
 256    Sgt. Andrews:      Should I be able to try to find somebody that said they drew blood.
 257    Koelpin:           Yeah, should be. You know, I know...I know that lab work, any results
 258                       would be on a...on a chart.
 259    Sgt. Andrews:      Yeah. Okay, I saw some lab results, but we did...weren't too sure how
 260                       or who got the blood drawn to get the lab results.
 261    Koelpin:           I know that we had switched over to a new computer system between
 262                       then and now and I know that on the lab work that we do now the
 263                       initials of who ever collected it would be on it.
 264    Sgt. Andrews:      Okay.
 265    Koelpin:           I mean, I can't...
 266    Sgt. Andrews:      I'll try to dig through it. You wouldn't mind if I dig all through that and I
 267                       find some documents I can get with you and we'd look at them...
 268    Koelpin:           No.
 269    Sgt. Andrews:      Okay. Good.
 270    Det. Carrasquillo: Just to give me an idea, lets talk a little about your background.
 271              long have you been a...are you a registered nurse?
 272    Koelpin:           Mmmhmm.
 273    Det. Carrasquillo: How long have you been a registered nurse?
 274    Koelpin:           Five years.
 275    Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. And how long have you been working the, ah, emergency

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  276                       situation.
  277    Koelpin:           Five...five years, since I got out of school.
  278    Det. Carrasquillo: Okay, so...and have you always worked for Columbia?
  279    Koelpin:           Yup.
  280    Det. Carrasquillo: So you've...youve been there since 1992?
  281    Koelpin:           Correct.
  282    Det. Carrasquillo: So, in 1995 everything was pretty much second nature to you and old
  283                       hat.
  284    Koelpin:           Yeah, well, nothing's old hat. Every...every situation's different. But,
  285                       yeah, we have a certain protocol A...what we call ACLS, Advanced
  286                       Cardiac Life Saving...
  287    Det. Carrasquillo: Right. Well, most of the things that will run across in an
  288                       emergency room you probably already experimented or...or dealt with
  289                       prior to 1995.
  290    Koelpin:           Oh, yeah.
  291    Det. Carrasquillo: ...December of 95. When she came in were you shocked to see her
  292                       condition?
  293    Koelpin:           Well, I wasn't happy. I mean, you know, somebody in...that's around
  294                       your age group and comes in that way you're a little bit concerned. Of
  295                       course, like I said I was reading of those novels then, and...non
  296                       fiction type thing about the bola fever so I was a little...
  297    Det. Carrasquillo: You were paranoid.
  298    Koelpin:           Yes, I was a bit paranoid.
  299    Det. Carrasquillo: But, were...were you shocked?      For example, what I'm trying to get at
  300                       is, if you were on the other side of the phone talking to Doctor Minkoff
  301                       and you're looking to that person that was rolled into the hospital in the
  302                       van, would you have droven up to....
  303    Koelpin:           No way.
  304    Det. Carrasquillo: What would you have done?
  305    Koelpin:           I would have gone right to the nearest hospital.
  306    Det. Carrasquillo: Because of the appearance of that person when they got to you?
  307    Koelpin:           Oh, definitely.
  308    Det. Carrasquillo: Would you think that appearance would have been the same an hour
  309                       later? Later on back...going back in time?
  310    Koelpin:           Oh, that....

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 311  Det. Carrasquillo: Hour prior...
 312  Koelpin:           That I couldn't possibly even tell you, you know, because I don't know
 313                     how long she...I...I mean, you know...I don't know.
 314  Det. Carrasquillo: No, but just by looking at her condition, do you think she got from us to
 315                     that in an hour?
 316  Koelpin:           Probably not.
 317  Det. Carrasquillo: So, it would be a safe assumption...I'm not medical at all. I'm just trying
 318                     to figure out in my mind, it would be a safe assumption to say that she
 319                     was probably somewhere near the same physical condition she was in an
 320                     hour prior to getting to the hospital.
 321  Koelpin:           That's possible, yeah.
 322  Sgt. Andrews:      Now when you described it, and I'm not trying to pin you down or
 323                     nothing, I understand its been a while ago, when you described it you
 324                     were kind of appalled the thinness of her.
 325  Koelpin:           Mmm.
 326  Sgt. Andrews:      Was there more to that then just the thinness? You know I...I can look
 327                     at some people and say, Geez, you know, that person to healthy.
 328  Koelpin:
 329  Sgt. Andrews:      But then you can look at somebody and I've looked at dead bodies, you
 330                     know, you look at a dead body and you say, My goodness, you know,
 331                     look at the... you know some people call it pallor....other gray...
 332  Koelpin:           Right.
 333  Sgt. Andrews: know, they're gray....
 334  Koelpin:           She was...
 335  Sgt. Andrews:      Was that part of all of that...that first appearance? That thinness? She
 336                     looked gray? She didn't look good...okay...
 337  Koelpin:           Right.
 338  Sgt. Andrews:      Not just a mere thinness.
 339  Koelpin:           Right, she looked rather what we call cachetic.
 340  Sgt. Andrews:      Okay.
 341  Det. Carrasquillo: What does that mean?
 342  Koelpin:           That's, you know, cancer patients that kind of a look.. .that's what they
 343                     would call, you know, with a loss of weight and..
 344  Sgt. Andrews:      Sunken cheeks...
 345  Koelpin:

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 346   Sgt. Andrews:      Yeah, okay.
 347   Det. Carrasquillo: Well, what about her attire? How was she dressed?
 348   Koelpin:           Ahm, if I recall, it's like a t-shirt, pants of some sort...
 349   Det. Carrasquillo: Did she look clean, dirty...
 350   Koelpin:           I...I don't believe the clothes were rather...
 351   Det. Carrasquillo: ...grubby...
 352   Koelpin:           ...I don't think the clothes were clean, clean. But they certainly, if I
 353                      recall, they didn't look seriously bad.
 354   Det. Carrasquillo: What about her hair? Did it look she had...
 355   Koelpin:           Her hair looked like it was slept on.
 356   Det. Carrasquillo: Slept on?
 357   Koelpin:           Yeah.
 358   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. Now everything youve told me is from your own personal
 359                      recollection and not from Inside Edition, 20/20, Saint Pete Times, Tampa
 360                      Tribune. Have you read any of those papers...
 361   Koelpin:           Well, nat...
 362   Det. Carrasquillo: ...or seen those shows?
 363   Koelpin:           Well, I've, you know, I've read some of the Saint Pete Times articles and
 364                      I haven't seen any really...I've seen so much channel 8 news but...
 365   Det. Carrasquillo: But that has not affected what you're telling me...that is strictly total
 366                      recall from you being there and hands on.
 367                      Right...exactly.
 368   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. I don't have any more questions. Do you?
 369   Sgt. Andrews:      No. None...none what so ever.
 370   Det. Carrasquillo: Okay. We're going to go ahead and conclude this interview at 1600
 371                      hours.

 OFC. REPORTING:___________   ID NO:                     DATE:        CASE STATUS: _____
 EXCEPTION TYPE: _____             DATE CLEARED:             CLEARANCE TYPE _____   1. Extradition
 I. Arrest           2. AR of Prim. Offense, Secondary Offense. w/o Pros     Adult ___Juv ___ 3.
 Death of Offender      5. Prosecution Decl
 Exceptional         4. V/W Refused to Cooperate 6. Juv./No Custody

OFC. REVIEWING: (signed) W. C. Andrews  DATE: 4-4-97  SA INFO: