Interview Summaries

Date:April 30, 1997


FLO520300/Clearwater Police Department Report No. 95-29158
Offense Death Investigation Date of Report 4/30/97

Location 644 Pierce Street Orig Incident Date 12/6/95
Victim Lisa McPherson VI Prosecute Yes No
Investigator Det. Sgt. Wayne Andrews
Previous Status Active
Impound Inventory


We received information back from our subpoena, which requested the original registration of all guests for the cabana area at the hotel during the period of 11/18/95 through 12/6/95. The subpoena further requested that the registration include the full name of guests along with their home and business addresses and phone numbers. This information contained a detailed typewritten list of guests numbering 1-63. This information was turned over to Det. Carrasquillo for further followup.

We received a letter from Attorney Ronald K. Cacciatore, who represents AMC Publishing. Along with his letter was a list of employees and their addresses and phone numbers.


At 0900 hours, DR. DAVID MINKOFF was interviewed at a deposition conducted by Assistant State Attorney Mark McGarry.

Background: Dr. Minkoff works at HCA Hospital in New Port Richey and was the physician who pronounced Lisa McPherson deceased on 12/5/95. He has a medical

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background in infectious diseases from San Diego, California. He began working in a Walk-In Clinic in Clearwater in 1990. In 1993, he began working for the HCA Hospital in New Port Richey. He has been a member of the Church of Scientology since 1981. His family originally came to this area so his children could attend a six month school. They liked the area so well that they stayed. As far as his background with the Church, he has obtained the level of OT 8 Class 5 Auditor.

Relationship To Lisa McPherson: Dr. Janis Johnson was seeing Lisa on a regular basis. Dr. Johnson then contacted Dr. Minkoff with the intention of obtaining prescription drugs for Lisa McPherson. Dr. Minkoff called two prescriptions in to Eckerd Drugs at State Road 60 & Belcher Road. One prescription was called in on 11/20/95 for liquid Valium in the name of David Haughton. The other prescription was called in on 11/29/95 for Chlorolhydrate in the name of Lisa McPherson. Both prescriptions were sedatives for Janis Johnson to give to Lisa to help her sleep. I asked if he knew what the Church policy was regarding PTS3 personalities (people who have psychotic breakdowns). He explained the Church policy and then advised that he agrees with it although he felt Lisa did not get the proper medical attention. I asked him about Magnesium Chloride due to the fact we had a report written by Janis Johnson indicating she had given Lisa an injection of it. He indicated that this drug is usually given in a hospital setting, and that he believes the prescription is in a liquid form but is not sure. He stated that he has used it in the past, but that he did not give it to Janis Johnson or have any knowledge that she was going to give Lisa McPherson an injection of it. I asked if he knew what some of the side effects of an injection of this drug would be. He stated that some side effects would be irregular heartbeats and lower blood pressure. I asked if kidney failure would be a side effect and he stated yes. I asked about the Church policy regarding vitamins versus traditional medicine. He stated that Scientologists do not believe in a lot of

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medical doctors and prescription medications, and that it is rare for a doctor such as himself to belong to the Church due to that belief. I asked him about the hospital staff and medical care provided for them. He stated that you receive medical care if you are part of the staff. He did not know exactly who would okay that care but believed it would be the Medical Liaison Officer. I asked who the Medical Liaison Officer was during Lisa's stay at 210 S. Ft. Harrison and he stated that it was Janis Johnson. I asked if he knew who was responsible for Lisa's stay at the cabanas. He stated that he was always under the impression it was the case supervisor, Alain Kartuzinski. We then discussed several medical reports from HCA that we had obtained (see transcript for further details). We asked why Lisa was brought to him. He stated that he did not know why as New Port Richey is too far away and they are usually taken to Morton Plant Hospital. I advised him that, during his first interview, he indicated that Lisa had died from a blood clot in her leg that was possibly due to the car accident. I asked if it was possible that the blood clot in her leg was not caused by the car accident but instead from bed rest, non-movement, and dehydration, and he stated yes. I asked why it would have taken Janis Johnson from approximately 1900 hours to approximately 2100 hours to get to the hospital with Lisa. He stated that he could not answer that but felt it was a poor decision. He stated that he took Lisa's blood after her death so it could be determined if she had a communicable disease. He was asked why he would release reports regarding the blood results to Attorney Abelson at the Church when they were protected documents. He stated that he was naive and did not have an attorney at that time, and that he now realizes it was a mistake. I asked if he now felt Janis Johnson was practicing medicine during Lisa's stay at 210 S. Ft. Harrison and he stated yes. I asked if he felt Lisa died from toxic shock syndrome and he stated that he could not be sure. I asked if he would recommend squirting liquid protein into one of his patients with a turkey baster if the patient was not eating or drinking. He smiled,

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laughed, and then stated that he would not recommend that as he would treat the problem with I.V.'s and possibly a tube located directly in the stomach to give nourishment. He stated that he felt earlier during the investigation that Lisa possibly died from meningitis. I asked if he still thought this and he stated no. I asked if he would give me, who is not a patient of his, a prescription of Chlorolhydrate and he stated no. I asked why he issued a prescription to Janis Johnson. He stated that he felt at the time that he was dealing with competent medical people at the Church and therefore issued the prescription. He stated that he now feels he was not dealing with competent people at the Church. He indicated that he has also had an interview with Attorney Sandy Weinberg, who represents the Church, in reference to Lisa's death.

The interview with Dr. Minkoff was transcribed by a Court Reporter. Please see transcript for further details.


Two people were interviewed at the State Attorney's Office at depositions conducted by Assistant State Attorney Mark McGarry. Emma Schamehorn was interviewed at 0900 hours and Dr. David Houghton was interviewed at 1110 hours.

EMMA SCHAMEHORN, W/F, DOB 11/XX/26, was the first to be interviewed and stated the following:

Background: Emma moved to Clearwater ten years ago from Alberta, Canada. She got involved in the Church of Scientology in Canada in 1968. At that time, she and her husband ran an aviation business in Alberta. She moved to Clearwater on

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4/23/87 and has been the Public Medical Liaison Officer for the past eight years, including the time of Lisa's stay. She has no medical background.

Relationship To Lisa McPherson: As the Public Medical Liaison Officer, it was Emma's responsibility to assist Lisa McPherson. I asked how it came about that she was on the case in the beginning but not the entire time as Janis Johnson took over from her. She stated that Lisa became violent after approximately three days, and that she believed Alain Kartuzinski replaced her with Janis Johnson because he felt her age might cause her to get injured by Lisa. She stated that she was only there for the first two or three days of Lisa's stay but did go to Morton Plant Hospital when Lisa was there after the car accident. She went with her son-in-law, Nick McFarland, and met in the back room with Alain Kartuzinski and Humberto Fontana. Jeannie Decuyper, Judy Goldsberry-Weber, and Alain Kartuzinski were in the back of the Emergency Room where Lisa was being treated. When Lisa was released from the hospital, she (Emma) rode in the vehicle with Alain Kartuzinski and Lisa to 210 S. Ft. Harrison Avenue. Upon their arrival there, Alain Kartuzinski indicated that Lisa would be staying for quite sometime. She then met with Janet Herring, who assigned Lisa Room 174 next to the housekeeping area. When she first started the watches in the room with Lisa, she started them with Suzanne Reich and Suzanne Schnurenberger. Dr. Jeannie Decuyper came to the room for approximately ten minutes during that time but Emma did not see her again after that time. She had a meeting with Dr. Houghton and Alain Kartuzinski shortly after Lisa came to stay at 210 S. Ft. Harrison. I asked who was responsible for Lisa's stay and whether or not she could leave. She stated that Alain Kartuzinski was the one who made all the decisions on whether Lisa stayed or left. She stated that Dr. Janis Johnson was responsible for Lisa's medical care after taking over from her (Emma).

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The interview with Emma Schamehorn was transcribed by a Court Reporter. Please see transcript for further details.

DR. DAVID HOUGHTON, W/M, DOB 2/XX/61, was the next to be interviewed and stated the following:

Background: Dr. Houghton is a dentist and received his degree in Des Moines, Iowa. He practiced there as a dentist from 1986 to 1993. He went to Ohio and Kansas in 1993 and came to Clearwater in 1995. During his practice in Iowa, a management company offered to manage his office. He accepted the offer and his office began to show a profit. The management company, Sterling Management, was built on Hubbard technology. He started to take Scientology courses himself as he felt they would improve his life. He has reached the level of OT4 Auditor in the Church of Scientology. When he came to Clearwater from Ohio in 1995, his intention was to become the dentist on staff for the Church.

Relationship To Lisa McPherson: He first met Lisa McPherson when she arrived at 210 S. Ft. Harrison sometime around 11/18/95 or 11/19/95. He originally started to check on the caretakers looking after Lisa as he knew they were having problems. He learned from Alain Kartuzinski during a meeting that Lisa was a PT3 psychotic and they would be attempting to calm her down so they could start auditing to find out what her problem was. He remembered seeing Alphonso Barcenas and Sam Gioro outside of Lisa's room. Alphonso and Sam had the key to the room with them to allow people to go in and out. He was asked if he wrote any reports and he stated no. He believed that, sometime around 11/24/95, he and Janis Johnson talked on the phone with Dr. Minkoff and discussed attempting to get something for Lisa so she would sleep. Prior to that, it had been decided in a meeting with Alain Kartuzinski

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and Dr. Janis Johnson that they would administer aspirin and Benadryl to Lisa in an attempt to get her to sleep. He stated that Lisa was spitting everything out and it was his idea to dissolve the aspirin and Benadryl in a syringe and squirt it in her mouth. This was successful and she became quieter and began sleeping. While he and Dr. Janis Johnson were talking with Dr. Minkoff, they also decided on liquid Valium. The Valium was ordered at Eckerd Drugs on State Road 60 & Belcher Road as a prescription for him from Dr. Minkoff. He received cash from Alain Kartuzinski to pay for the Valium. When he picked the Valium up and brought it back, Alain Kartuzinski had already decided not to give it to Lisa. It should be noted that, in some of the subpoenaed records of Dr. Minkoff, the prescription was ordered on 11/20/95 and not 11/24/94 as Dr. Houghton believed. It was picked up by Dr. Houghton on 11/20/95. I asked Dr. Houghton if it was common for doctors to write prescriptions in each other's names for patients and to pick the prescriptions up themselves. He stated that it was not common, and that he only writes prescriptions for antibiotics in his practice. He was asked if he would write a prescription to me if it was Agent Lee Strope that needed the medication and he stated no. I asked when he last saw Lisa. He stated that he visited her just prior to 11/28/95 because he was leaving town on 11/28/95 to go to Gainesville to take the Dentistry Board examination to become a licensed dentist in Florida. According to him, Lisa was eating and drinking at that time and she did not look weak at all. I asked what PTS type personalities meant and he stated it stood for "potential trouble source".

The interview with Dr. Houghton was transcribed by a Court Reporter. Please see transcript for further details.

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FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1997

We obtained a subpoena from the State Attorney's Office to obtain prescription information from Eckerds. The subpoena was delivered to Eckerds on Bryan Dairy Road on Monday, 4/28/97, by Agent Strope and Det. Carrasquillo. At this time, we are still awaiting that information.


At 1330 hours, PAUL HENRY KELLERHALS, W/M, DOB 8/XX/50, address of 210 S. Ft. Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, SSN #XXX-XX-XXXX, was interviewed during a deposition conducted by Assistant State Attorney Mark McGarry.

Background: He has no medical background. He joined the Church of Scientology when he was in college in St. Louis in 1971. He went to Los Angeles in 1973 and worked in the security office of the Church of Scientology at Hemmet in the San Bernandino mountains as a guard for three years. He was requested to come to Clearwater in October of 1993 to assist in organizing and training a security force. At the time of Lisa's stay at 210 S. Ft. Harrison, Arthur Baxter was the Chief of Security and he was Arthur's supervisor. He is now the Chief of Security and his supervisor is April Buchanan. Alphonso Barcenas and Sam Ghioro were security guard trainees at that time and volunteered to stay outside of Lisa's room as assistants in case the women caretakers inside needed help. He asked Alain Kartuzinski once how Lisa was doing because he felt Alain was getting regular report updates and would have the day to day knowledge about her condition. He went by Lisa's room one day and heard screaming and yelling inside. He went in and found that Lisa was completely naked, there was water all over, and the room had been trashed. Joan Stevens, one

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of the caretakers, was being punched and hit by Lisa. He secured Lisa on the bed until he could get some clothes on her and clean the room. He stated that, although Alphonso and Sam reported to him, they also gave information to Arthur Baxter. He stated that he could have made the decision to allow Lisa to leave the room but did not because he felt she would get run over by a car.

The deposition with Paul Kellerhals was transcribed by a Court Reporter. Please see that transcript for further details.

Also on this date, 4/30/97, we received a letter from Attorney Ron Cacciatore, who represents AMC Publishing. In response to a subpoena issued to AMC on 3/20/97 asking that they furnish the entire personnel file on Lisa McPherson from her initial hiring date to the time of her death, we received a file that seemed very small and only contained documents from 1995 and 1997. She was employed by them in 1985 and it seems that there would be more in her personnel file than what we received. The file has nothing regarding a history of her movement in the company from less responsible jobs to more responsible ones and relays very little information.

Ofc. Reporting Det. Sgt. W. Andrews/elg ID No. 603
Case Status Active Date Cleared
Clearance Type Exception Type
1. Arrest

Adult Juvenile

2. Exceptional

3. Unfounded
1. Extradition declined

2. AR of primary offense,

secondary offense,

w/o prosecution
3. Death of Offender

4. V/W refused to cooperate

5. Prosecution declined

6. Juv/No Custody

Ofc. Reviewing                      Date          SAO Info

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