3rd Party Investigation


Susanne Reid

Date:October 28, 1988

28 Oct. '88

EO: H. Jessup

3rd Party Investigation


Lisa Skonetski & Kay Proctor


1.a.) I tell myself - I feel back about what I'm doing. Jay sometimes doesn't just ack.

b.) He said I shd handle or [illegible: shut?]. Doesn't understand why I'm upset.

Else? No


1a.) No, but get that.

b.) Kay told me in KR that I was bad.

Else? No.

2a.) Theresa Wyne was getting hd on pike. Force. What? Reports written that she had blown.


2a.) Ray [illegible], new public told me Don Black was gay. It was dead agented.

Else? No.

FSO 01686


2a.) Rhea has lack of ARC for Lisa. I get enturbed & she goes into agreement.

b.) She thinks there is much enturb here @ Org, she's said Org makes OT Committee feel ignorant. She doesn't feel this is her Org.

Else? She has trouble w/ this Org being her own. Backoff from coming to event. Try to reach her on a withdraw. Like her a lot - Don't understand why she doesn't flow power to the Org. Loss [illegible] handle it. Rhea had total CI to Kay taking d
ay off to get body ruds in & do better on post. May be good I have to replace her.

FSO 01687

3rd Party Invest

Kay Proctor &

Lisa Skonetski

EO: H. Jessup


Kay (2) cont.:

a/thing about Lisa:

Rhea said she was enturbed by Lisa & Said she didn't care for her at all.


3a.) I feel that I do things wrong by not making things go right w/ Lisa. No.


3a.) Susan made a comment about Kay - "Why is she here?" That was all. Twice made off the wall comments. Lisa does not take this up.


Tonight Susan told me she had been w/ Kay & they agreed that Lisa was being a bitch. She knew that there was no comm. Kay had said Lisa was being a bitch & Lisa unwilling to help Kay.

FSO 01688



Theresa. Nothing else.

4a.) No.


4a.) No.

They both went WGIs on Rhea being the terminal. Rhea has been invaling Kay's abilities & keeping the upset w/ Lisa going.

FSO 01689