Commendation Chit
Mark Muir
Date: | June 15, 1986 |
Pages: | 1 |
Church of Scientology Mission of the Southwest 8501 Manderville Dallas, Texas 75231 691-4821 FLAG WORLD TOUR 15 Jun 86 Flag Data Files Dir of Tours FSO Ethics Files all staff concerned ________________________________ A.M. FMT COMMENDATION CHIT The following staff are highly commended for their backup and support of the Flag World Tour event: Bill Dolaway MH Theresa Dolaway ED Barry Wieczorek HCOS Debbie Sinone OS Enrique Salinas HCO Dir Gene Skonetski Dissem Dir Hasan Luszcz Treas Dir Maggie Fuller Qual Dir Lisa Mullin Pub Div Exp Marlo Kimmel Income Off Carol Chamberlain CSA Off Ruth Reed Nanny Steve South Examiner Cindy Howenstein Auditor Kathy Brod SSO Paco Casales Cope Off Lisa Skonetski Pub Contact Dir Sherry Randall Nanny Stuart Cameron Academy Supervisor Doug Hubert T/EO Lisa Cameron Pub Div Exp Melinda Watson Tech Exp Brenda Hubert Review Off The above named Dallas staff are majorly responsible for the call-in and event set up and execution actions. Thank you very much, the public was very pleased with the event. L, Mark Muir A.M. FWT a non-profit organization registered in the state of Texas FSO 2095