--> Ethics CC Dallas 21 February 93
Person Highlighted Below
OT Committee
Dianetics Event Co-I/C
The following people are again highly commended for their participation
in the public Dianetics Lecture and Demonstration which was given last
night at a local hotel.
Each of the following people contributed in a way which made this event
occur. As a team effort, each should be commended for their continued
willingness, postulate and hard work.
As a result of this particular event, we had highest ever stats in some
areas. More raw books were sold than in previous events. We had over 50
new public in attendance and 29 signed up for a free auditing session
which gets them into the local org or mission.
Very well done!
Bennetta Slaughter Buford Coan
David Slaughter Nolan Cage
Jeff Schaffner DeDee Eckols
John Bianchi Lisa McPherson
Sherri Randall Susan Roberts
Larry Geis Robert Goransson
Lauren Moseley Tim Moseley
Coleen Neary Franz Reiter
Jan Houston Brandi Levine
Steve Craig Brian Jordan
Pete Cunningham Steve Trower
Tim Collins Chuck Bell
Malcolm Levine Eddie Allen
Charlie Brust Carol Lee South
It should also be noted that Bennetta Slaughter, David Slaughter and
Jeff Schaffner virtually completely bank-rolled this event. Without
their unselfishness, it would not have occurred. Thank you.
Carol Lee South
Dianetics Event Co-I/C