--> Ethics
<-- PES
Handle the situation and any Danger in it.
The SITUATION is that I have not looked at and followed ruthlessly the
correct application of the CORRECT condition! Ditto my Jr. I spot s/g,
which is obviously a step of a condition I should apply (although I
never see it as that) and get all hyped up about it and take off like a
rocket - then never consider I'm "applying" s/g and get on track, but
just roll along. The SOLE reason I crash is because I don't get what
comes next!
So ... to handle this - first I alert my jr. of this situation _done_
Get her to look at where she is at on the condition and get busy right
away to turn it around by applying the correct condition! Bring home to
her what was brought home to me -
By applying conditions - it keeps
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purpose in. And by continuing to correctly apply conditions, it brings
one closer to the ideal scene - which is of course one's purpose.
Because we don't just want to do enough to "get by." We want to fucking
rock and roll. CONDITIONS ENABLES ONE TO DO THIS!!! They keep you
expanding and moving closer to the purpose.
3) Assign self a danger condition
I am in danger!
4) Get in your own personal ethics ...
Ok - so my out ethics has been not applying conditions but rather being
on the think that I have some sort of "magic" and that I don't have to
do anything in particular because I just have this "ability." Knowing
that, this so called "ability" is in actuality merely stumbling over
something in the condition! And then when the stat crashes I sit in awe
wondering what the fuc happened!
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So this step is easy. I just get busy and apply conditions!
5) Reorganize your life so that the dangerous situation is not
continually happening to you.
Ok - easy street!
Each night when I meet w/ Kay, we LOOK at what we do, what condition we
apply to keep our stats rocketing. We see what step we have done and
what's next on the list. Then our BP's totally align with the correct
6) Formulate and adopt firm policy that will hereafter detect and
prevent the same situation from continuing to occur.
The policy is this:
If what we are doing is not getting a product we instantly stop and pull
out an ISE book to see what we have
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missed! And we look until we are VGI's and back on purpose. We get help
instantly if we get bogged at all!
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