Crime Report


Force Chamberlain

Date:March 10, 1986

duties & functions, I have not been able to successfully wear all of the
hats previously handled by Lisa. I was successful in pushing up 'NNCF's
& raw book sales last week, but not NPI which was in Danger.

So far this week Lisa was on post 1 partial afternoon Sun and totally
missed last Thurs.

There has been no other effort by her to get a replacement or help and
as a result, NSI keeps falling, raw book sales & NNCF are below where
they were last week, & I'm continually being pulled into the area to run

This falls under HCOPL 24 june 1979 CRIME ADDITIONS

                        Force Chamberlain

FSO 2151

    SNB                                  10 Mar 86
--> EO (2 copies)
<-- PS

                         Conditions Order
                          Lisa Skonetski

Per the fact that Lisa has been late, left early, or not arrived on post
continuously since last Mon due to work demands on her wog job; and has
not successfully solved the problem by handling the wog [crossed out:
hours] job hours, getting a replacement or sufficient help on the post,
she is being assigned a condition of Treason as A/PCD per HCOPL 20 April
1969 "Hats, Not Wearing."

She is to report to Ethics to work up through the conditions A.S.A.P.

                               Force Chamberlain

FSO 2153