Ethics Report


Lisa McPherson

Date:May 18, 1983

Chaplain's Court

18 May 83

L. McPherson <-- PC Folder


R. Benson

Lisa got off considerations regarding w/ held comm from Rick. Rick replied to some of it. It came down to a time where both were not faithful to each other. She made out w/ her dance teacher. He made out w/ 7-8 other girls.


Went over portion of Scn ethics cond. Rick stated that he was in treason in 2D referred to long standing condition of unfaithfulness regarding kissing other girls.

Had him do Treason formula to EP. Started Enemy.

Lisa stated cog she had prior regarding this and felt like it handled 2D and she could keep ethics in on 2D & felt like it handled condition.

FSO 2406


Both Rick & Lisa will write up what occurred from Treason on up to Liability - which is where they are now & hand in Sat. All [illegible] is done. We'll take this action up to Non-E and end off Chaplain's Court.

FSO 2408