Knowledge Report


Glafira D. Beck

Date:October 5, 1989

cc: ETHICS <--
_______________                           5 October 1989

                          KNOWLEDGE REPORT

Lisa used to be my roommate in an apartment in Los Angeles and agreed to
pay $200.00 @ month rent. She also signed a contract to that effect.

On or about the 16 of July she decided to move back to Dallas. I
informed her there was a 30 day advance notice to vacate and that she
will owe $100.00. She agreed to pay it plus $36.55 owed me for long
distance, etc.

The last letter I received from her dated 3 September, she said she did
not know who to pay the $100.00 to, and that she was sending me the
balance as soon as she was paid that Friday. I wrote her again informing
her that she owed me the money and that she was more than welcome to
check with the Manager of the Apartment that such amount was paid by me.

I still have not received anything from her.

                        Glafira D. Beck

FSO 02050