Knowledge Report
James Woeltzen
Date: | June 8, 1982 |
Pages: | 3 |
3 Don said he'd go w/ Lisa telling him that she wanted to do Scn & sign divorce papers releasing him & he'd put ad in paper saying he wasn't resp for her loan. FSO 2615
6/9/82 K.R. ______________ Lisa Boss Ch 4 called Lisa at work - consumer report that family had trouble w/ Scn. Ch 4 said sounded like a marital prob - Lisa said "that's right!" Lisa called Ch 4 back & asked if she cld help - said _she_ didn't have a problem - Ch 4 asked "you give Scn $3000 for which you didn't receive services?" Lisa said not true at all - "How far you going carry this?" Ch 4 said have to follow up all consumer reports. FSO 2617
1 Lisa Lot things hap & I'm cause of it. Husband told Lisa that Jim told him My int w/ Scn was to get away from Don. That if Scn cld get me away from Don it wld be worth it. Like putting a fire on a bomb & sitting back & watching it. Lied to e/b. Lied to me? Just being wishy washing - not deciding. FSO 2619