I am writing in regards to the Knowledge
Report submitted by Rick Benson 23 Oct 83.
This is intended to clarify any wrong
information given on the said report.
The "regulars" I was reported as having
consisted of Jimmy PXXXXX, Malcolm
PXXXXX, Pierre as well as my ex-
husband Don Boss. For the most part
it was consistent with Jimmy & Don.
The Mexican fellow was in fact NOT
a regualr. I only had sex with him
on two or possibly three occasions and
I have no knowledge as to his correct
age. The only ones I had sex with after
becoming a Scientologist was Jimmy
Malcolm and Don. Malcolm once,
Jimmy once.
The incident mentioned with Jimmy
in the car happened in the summer
of 82 around April. This was six months
before I met Rick, not six weeks.
The reason I did not want to have sex
with Rick the night I met him had
little to do with the fact that I had
been with Don on the same evening.
His assumption was not correct.
Rick stated that I had attempted to
blow 4-7 times from our 2D and that
he was able to "clean me up" all but
the last time. I was never given any
policy letters to read and to my
knowledge no standard tech was
applied to "clean me up". I requested
FSO 2343
that a Chaplain's Court be delivered on one
occasion and also paid for it. This was
a successful action in that Rick was
given an opportunity to clean some things
up for himself and I gained a better
understanding of conditions. I was able
to apply the conditions through the help
of the chaplain. Rick had tried on
at least three occasions to interpret
what the conditions "Meant" and have
me apply them according to how he
saw the conditions needed to be
applied. It was not until I received
the standard application (by way of
PL's presented by the chaplain) I was
able to do this.
I have since done a past and present
ethics handling on my 1st 2nd & 3rd
dynamics. All to a full E.P. and I
have had no problems keeping my
ethics in since.
On our final go round Rick requested to
visit with the E.O. and informed me he
knew I would get handled and our 2D
could be salvaged. I expressly told him
I did not want the 2D. I agreed to the
Upon our arrival at the EO's office when
Rick realized that Katie was not going to
put me through any heavy ethics cycle
(due to fact that I had told her my
feelings and that I did not want the 2D)
he became extremely irate and told me
not to speak a word to him, not to
look at him, he wanted me off his
lines and that was it. He told Katie he
wanted everything I had given him and
vice-versa. He said he expected me to
fully re-imburse him for his total costs
incurred during the time of our relationship.
FSO 2344
The total bill came to about $1500.00. This
included diners, shows etc. I became
overwhelmed and spun into grief. I had
no means of giving him the money. I felt
like my only recourse was to agree to
continue the 2D (non-confront).
Rick asked me later how did I like the
way he tone 40ed the cycle and Katie. He
said he just took total control away
from her and seemed proud of himself.
Katie had asked Rick didn't he realize
what sort of game he was playing after
he told her he would handle his
situation when he felt it was right.
He told her yes he was aware of the
game and that he'd played it a long
time and he could take care of it.
Katie urged him to seek help at Las
Vegas ASAP.
Based on the fact that I was not confronting
my doubt formula I did tell Rick I had
lied to Katie. I had lied to Rick in
hopes of not having to repay the money.
This was the sole reason I agreed to have
the 2D again at all.
I did later end off the 2D because I didn't
want it and it was a lot easier to confront
with him being in Las Vegas. I told Rick
not to call me anymore and specifically
told him he enturbulated me. And he did.
He called me twice after that and each
time I became enturbulated and finally
decided not to have any more comm
with him. I later read the PTS handling
PL and cognited on my outenss in handling
him. Given the opportunity now, I would
know what to do in order not to get
As far as my "background" is concerned:
I had sex with ONE of my brother's friends.
Primarily the people I got involved with
did not start at bars, disco's or one
FSO 2345
night stands. I have no idea what "letter
of desire" I wrote to any ex-lover.
I have since created a 2D with Gene S.
We are engaged and plan to marry in
Jan 84.
This is true,
Lisa McPherson
FSO 2346